Ninja Kidz Live: Infinite Possibilities
TPR. Presents

Ninja Kidz Live: Infinite Possibilities

Saturday, June 21 3:00 PM

Event Details

Accessibility - Jackson Hall

  • ADA seating is not available in the Grand Tier, Loges, and Balcony.
  • Wheelchair accessible seating is located at the back of the orchestra level.  
  • Elevators provide access to the Grand Tier, Loges, and Balcony.
  • Grand Tier Row E and Row P can be accessed without taking stairs.
  • TPAC is an accessible facility with a variety of services. Visit our Accessible Services page for more information.

Ticket Limit

6 per household

Ticket Delilvery

  • Please note all tickets for TPAC events are fully digital and accessible via your mobile device through our TPAC Concierge Mobile App. A mobile ticket is the safest, most convenient, and flexible way to receive and manage your tickets while increasing protection against fraud.
  • Will call tickets will be available at TPAC's Jackson Hall Box Office, located inside the lobby off of 6th Avenue. A valid photo ID is required to pick up tickets.
  • TPAC is not responsible for tickets purchased through the secondary market.

Lap Seat Policy

No lap tickets will be available. All patrons, regardless of age, must have a purchased ticket to this event.